We teach easy and cheap methods for rapid regreening farms in dry areas. This month, we trained over 200 champion farmers from Arusha and Manyara Region who have been part of our programs for one to two years and have already been acting as multipliers for spreading the knowledge of regreening. In the recently conducted training courses, they received further lessons on different topics, reviewing and building on their knowledge from previous years. For example, we trained them about conservational agriculture, energy-efficient stoves, and soil fertility, but also didactics, communication, and documentation. In addition, we recently started supporting farmers in addressing poverty, land degradation, and climate change through tree planting where necessary, especially the drought-tolerant species Faidherbia albida.

Although the farmers started using Kisiki Hai and rainwater harvesting just one or two years ago, they already gained huge benefits on their farms. That provides them with new motivation to learn more about our techniques and keep on implementing them outside in the fields. During the whole time of our trainings, one can feel this spirit of high motivation, commitment, passion, and conviction among the farmers as well as among the LEAD Team. Together, we are able to not only cool down the local climate on the farmlands and gain a healthier environment, but also have an impact on facing global climate change. Because regreening is not just about raising trees, it is an action of raising hope!