
A National Workshop on “Combating Desertification and restoring degraded lands into Food Baskets”

LEAD Fondation in collaboration with the office of the Parliament of Tanzania, World Agroforestry Centre/ICRAF and World Vision organized a national workshop for Members of Parliament and senior executives, from 18th – 19th June, 2016 in Dodoma, on regreening Tanzania. The main goal of the workshop was to scale up Kisiki Hai countrywide and to promote a National Regreening Movement involving the Tanzania Government, Civil Society Organisations and Development Partners to join forces in combating desertification and turning degraded land into

Spread of FMNR in Central Tanzania

LEAD Foundation originally planned to move to the rest of Central Tanzania after gaining experience from the Kiboriani project in Mpwapwa and Kongwa districts. The FMNR tide is now taking its own course as FMNR makes its surprise appearances here and there in Central Tanzania and elsewhere. LEAD Foundation is finding it difficult to resist invitations from groups and institutions from Dodoma and Singida Regions for training on FMNR. LEAD Foundation Executive Director has been instrumental in the formation of FMNR

Nyerere Day National Celebrations

Nyerere Day is celebrated every year in honor of the Founder President of Tanzania. Some of those who worked closely with President Nyerere are usually asked to give testimony about the life and work of the late President at the climax of the celebrations. This year the national celebration was held in Dodoma. Bishop Chiwanga, who served as Minister for Education under his Presidency, was invited. He began his brief testimony by leading the masses present with a very popular hit

The Annual Uhuru Torch Race

The Uhuru Torch Race is another very popular annual national event when the Torch is raced through all the districts in the country. It attracts lots of people, with overnight celebrations where it spends the night. The District Commissioner, convinced that FMNR would make exciting news at the event, asked LEAD Foundation to stage FMNR demonstration on the Uhuru Torch grounds. He was proven right, judging by the keen interest shown by the Visitors and various people. The Zanzibar member in

Scout Movement Opens the Door to plant FMNR Seed District-wide

Driven by the need to find best ways of nurturing youths, Mpwapwa district launched a district-wide Scout movement. 74 out of 93 villages sponsored a girl and a boy, turning out 148 youth volunteers, for a one-week residential training. FMNR was one of the principle subjects taught. Given its connections with the national scouting movement LEAD Foundation was charged with overall coordination of scout movement training for the whole district. For FMNR, this means there are at least 148 young people

Rolling out FMNR to the whole of Mpwapwa and Kongwa districts

The urge to roll out FMNR to the whole of Mpwapwa and Kongwa districts was expressed during the first year, following introduction of FMNR to district leaders. It was repeated at the National Launch of FMNR in Dodoma in April 2013. District council departments, NGOs and Institutions were called upon to mainstream FMNR in their programmes. LEAD Foundation was challenged to brace itself for training trainers to be available at ward levels. This has begun to bear fruit. Heads of agriculture

National Farmers Agricultural Show in Dodoma (Nane Nane = August 8th as climax)

This was an offshoot of the national workshop held in Dar es Salaam early July 2013, where Tony and Liz Rinaudo, and Assefa Tofu, were the principle presenters on FMNR. Representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture at the meeting invited LEAD Foundation toshare the Ministry’s Booth at the National Farmers Agricultural Show in Dodoma the following month.After some hesitation on account of costs the invitation was gratefully accepted and eventually LEAD Foundation found itself displaying FMNR material at three Booths, including

“Conserve Kiboriani-the Fountain of Life” Project

“Conserve Kiboriani-the Fountain of Life” Project has continued to grow steadily, in spite of a few setbacks. The planned activities in the six project villages were carried out as planned. The landmark was the joint workshop for Mpwapwa and Kongwa district leaders, led by their District Commissioners. The workshop was most richly blessed by the extremely enlightening and winsome presentations of Tony and Liz Rinaudo from World Vision Australia, and Assefa Tofu from World Vision East Africa Office. It was opened

Celebrating the 2nd year of FMNR experiences

In April 2013 LEAD Foundation celebrated the first anniversary of FMNR movement in Mpwapwa and Kongwa districts, 2012/13. Notable efforts included: Introduction of FMNR to district and village leaders in Mpwapwa and Kongwa. Identification and training of groups of ten farmers at each of the six project villages. Production of training materials in the local Swahili language. Initial basic training to farmers at some of the project villages. Sacrificial giving by LEAD Founders in a year that had no outside support.