Last year August, together with our partners Justdiggit we trained villagers in Pembamoto on how to dig bunds ‘earth smiles’ to harvest rain. What’s that? smile-shaped bunds that prevent soil erosion and improve water availability for plants.
In September the villagers dug 5,143 bunds so that they could capture every raindrop in the coming rain season. This was done with help of an App that linked donors directly to the villagers. The app was linked to Mpesa; the local payment method.
Champion farmers from Nghumbi and Mlali ward came together in a public manner with an aim to communicate a message to the broader public about the importance of environment conservation.
Lots of villagers supported the marching, most of them stood curiously at the side of the road to see what the marching was all about. It makes us proud, because they organized it on their own initative. These farmers are transforming into activists!
These people have just received a colored stick from us. They are trainers from the Kongwa district in Dodoma who will keep track of the number of trees and the height of each tree with these colourful sticks.
These facilitators specifically monitor the re-greening by the farmers they have trained before. For each height (color) the facilitators can shade how many trees a farmer has. For example blue (50-100 cm): 34 trees. Green (200 + cm): 12 trees. Etcetera. In the corresponding
Our ‘Kisiki Hai’ caravan about re-greening one of the most affected landscapes has been traveling around Central Tanzania for one month already, and in two months’ time it will visit 60 villages. Today it is Iyumbwi village’s turn! The film inspires and activates farmers how they can re-green their land and make their land suitable to grow food again.
Imagine that you have never or rarely seen a movie. A normal evening out for us, is THE event of the year